a. What are you trying to accomplish?
Clean kitchen utensils/objects in the apartment.
b. How can you re-design this product to make it more sustainable? Use the material choices graph.
We use a lot of water in the process of cleaning our home, we can prevent this by using a UV light device that can clean without the use of water or toxic chemical, it can also be used to clean water itself so we can reuse it.
c. What are the sustainable design principles you have used?
Waste reduction and water conservation.
d. What are the economic and environmental benefits of your new design?
Reducing usage of toxic chemicals, thus minimizing waste, also since we usually use cleaning chemicals that come with with plastic packaging, we reduce the use of plastic as well that would end up in a landfill instead. Economically we reduce our wtaer bill and we buy less cleaning products.
e. Which circular business model can you adopt instead of linear?
Reuse/prolonged life (of water).
f. If you look at the butterfly diagram, to which cycle does your product belong?
Reuse/prolonged life.