1a) Labneh cheese is a Middle Eastern recipe that creates a creamy cheese from yogurt. From a website, I found that the recipe involves draining plain yogurt which presses out the excess whey and leaves behind the cheese. To be exact, a mesh strainer should be lined with a mesh nylon straining bag and should then be set over a large bowl. Next, the yogurt should be spooned into the lined strainer (some salt can be sprinkled on). Lastly, the bag should be twisted tightly around the yogurt and should be weighed down and placed in the fridge for a 1-2 days, depending on the desired consistency.
1b) Our group decided that in order to take advantage of the possible value of the wastewater, we could either separate the components of the wastewater and use the components for profit, or find a treatment solution that could be applied to the wastewater as it was. We did some research and found that if we chose to separate the components, we could use the whey to create other food products or to make energy. As for using all of the wastewater, we thought we could use a thermal treatment to capture clean drinking water or we could attempt a separation process and use different techniques to clean the organic and inorganic components.