a) I decided to research how to make homemade Labane cheese. The recipe I found used Greek yogurt, which you first stir with salt in a large bowl. Then, you pour the yogurt mixture into another bowl that is lined with cheesecloth or any other suitable cloth. You envelope the mixture and tie it at the top. Let the mixture drain for 24-48 hours. Once drained, the Labane is ready to be served with a variety of food items like olive oil.
b) Our solution to dealing with waste water from cheese production sought to reap the most value out of all the byproducts that came out of making cheese. For the organic matter, we realized that the whey could be marketed for a number of purposes including biofuel and protein powder. Salts e.g. NaCl, CaCl2 -- which were the most problematic -- could be extracted from the wastewater to be reused in the cheese production or sold off to other companies or everyday consumers. Extracting all these resources requires a variety of treatment methods, from DAF to physiochemical treatment to distillation. We expand upon our treatment methods in more detail in our presentation.